另一种视角:匈牙利 & 捷克艺术家–绘画与摄影作品展


w o m e n ‘ s a r c h i v e


a c o l l a b o r a t i v e e x h i b i t i o n o f p h o t o g r a p h y

a n d p a i n t i n g s b y
T ó t h G y ö r g y ( H U )托 特 · 久 尔 基 ( 匈 ⽛ 利 )&J i ř í S t r a k a ( C Z )伊 瑞 ( 捷 克 )策展人:张 思 永 & 艾 尔 德 斯 · 拉 斯 洛
主  办:  匈牙利驻华大使馆


             李斯特匈牙利文化中心             北京千年时间画廊
协  办:  千年时间艺术中心


时  间:7月2日——8月2日

2023年7月2日下午4点,在北京千年时间画廊将举办”另一种视角、女性绘画摄影展“开幕仪式。本次展览由匈牙利驻华大使馆、捷克驻华大使馆和李斯特中心—匈牙利文化中心,北京联合举办,将展出匈牙利著名摄影师托特·久尔基 (Tóth György) 和捷克知名画家伊瑞 (Straka Jiri) 最优秀的摄影和绘画作品,主题为展示女性生活的时刻。
A collaborative exhibition of photography and paintings by Tóth György and Jiri Straka showcasing moments of women’s lives.Curator: Zhang Siyong, Erdész László
展览地点:北京市顺义区 府前二街8号楼 北大资源天竺艺术中心二层北京千年时间画廊 ll New Millenium Gallery Beijing: 2nd Floor, Peking University Resources Tianzhu Art Center, Building 8, Fuqian 2nd Street, Shunyi District, Beijing北京千年时间画廊


托特·久尔基Tóth György
1950年他出生于布达佩斯,自1972年起就开始从事摄影工作。匈牙利摄影师协会(MFSZ)会员;从 1980 年到 1986 年,他是匈牙利摄影师协会运营的青年摄影工作室成员,从 1983 年起,成为董事会成员。1980年至1999年,他担任匈牙利电视台摄影师,1997年起担任电视台摄影部负责人。自2013年起,他成为匈牙利艺术院的正式会员。
György Tóth is a Contemporary photographer who was born in 1950 in Budapest. He has been involved in photography since 1972. Is a member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers (MFSZ); From 1980 to 1986, he was a member of the Youth Photographers Studio operating within the MFSZ, and from 1983 he was also a board member.Between 1980-1999, he was the photographer of Hungarian Television (MTV), and from 1997 he was the head of the channel’s Photo Department.Since 2013, he is been a member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

托特·久尔基Tóth György作品

托特·久尔基Tóth György作品

伊瑞Straka Jiri现为中央美术学院壁画系特聘教授,中捷当代美术馆创建者。1967年出生于捷克布拉格,1995年毕业于布拉格捷克查理大学中文系,1997年毕业于中央美术学院国画系,2000 – 2006年担任捷克国家美术馆策展人,2006年定居北京,2014年日荣获欧洲文化艺术奖《第十四届欧洲TREBBIA文化艺术贡献奖》并于捷克总统府接受捷克总统颁奖。Jiri Straka is currently a distinguished professor in the Mural Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the founder of the Sino-Czech Contemporary Art Museum. He was born in Prague, Czech Republic in 1967. In 1995, he graduated from Charles University in Prague with a degree in Chinese Studies. In 1997, he completed his studies in Traditional Chinese Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 2000 to 2006, he served as a curator at the National Gallery in the Czech Republic. In 2006, he settled in Beijing. In 2014, he was honored with the European Cultural Art Contribution Award, the 14th edition of the European TREBBIA Culture and Art Award. He received this prestigious award from the President of the Czech Republic at the Czech Presidential Palace.

伊瑞Straka Jiri作品

伊瑞Straka Jiri作品